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A Revolutionary Form of Therapy


“All problems in life are problem trances, and all solutions are solution trances.”

–Igor Ledochowski, master hypnotist and co-founder of the Hypnosis Training Academy


What is Hypnotherapy?

“Hypnosis, also referred to as hypnotherapy or hypnotic suggestion, is a trance-like state in which you have heightened focus and concentration ( “. It has been proven that hypnosis has the ability to significantly influence an individual’s perceptions and behaviors. Taking this trip inside your subconscious mind leads you to these answers and helps you make the changes desired.

By attending hypnotherapy sessions at A New You Counseling Center, LLC you can finally be free of the obstacles that keep you from living your life to its fullest potential.

Southern Supreme Hypnotherapist

Empowering you to master your mind,

to manifest the greatness of a new you.....

Kelvin Durant

3 Reasons Why You Should Try Hypnotherapy?

(We asked Mr. Durant…)
1. “Possibly alleviate medication management to assist with managing anxiety, depression, etc.;”

2. “Can assist with mind, body, and soul connection…”

3. “…Change is great for growth”

Mr. Durant's Hypnotherapy Specialties:

  1. Stress Management

  2. Smoking Cessation

  3. Addressing Pain

  4. Weight Loss

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